All About Pests Control: September 2016

Monday 5 September 2016

4 Snakes to Watch Out for in Raleigh, NC

North Carolina is home to many snakes, including several venomous types. Particularly when temperatures are high, it’s important to watch out for these 4 venomous snakes.

1. Copperheads

Copperheads live almost everywhere in North Carolina and are responsible for many of the snakebites in the United States, although copperhead bites are relatively low risk. Copperheads are medium-sized and are named after the coppery hue of the head and have bodies decorated with distinct brown hour-glass bands.

2. Cottonmouths

Cottonmouths, also known as water moccasins, are the only venomous water snakes in the United States. These snakes lurk near the water’s surface. They have triangular heads and thick bodies; the insides of their mouths are notably white. Although the bites are dangerous, cottonmouths generally only attack if threatened.

3. Rattlesnakes

North Carolina is home to shrinking populations of both the Eastern Diamondback and the Timber rattlesnake, which prefer undisturbed ground. Though these two snakes have different markings, they are clearly distinguishable by their rattles, with which they make a warning buzz if disturbed.

4. Coral Snakes

The Eastern coral snake is highly venomous and very noticeable with its bright bands of red, black and yellow. When threatened, it may hide its heads in its coils or make a popping sound before striking.

If you spot any of these snakes cruising through your yard, click here to learn more about snake removal in Cary.

Is There A Wildlife Problem in Your Home?

Are you waking at night to scurrying feet in your ceilings or the gnawing of wood in your walls? Here at Triangle Wildlife Removal, we can help you secure and clean your home using expert and humane methods.

Rodent, Bugs and Animals

While some companies are limited to just insect infestations, we focus on rodents, bugs and small animals. Some of these include:

  • Bats
  • Stinging wasps and bees
  • Termites
  • Ants
  • Squirrels
  • Snakes
  • Cockroaches and bed bugs

While having these animals inside your home may raise the hairs on your neck, please contact Triangle Wildlife Removal & Pest Control in Raleigh at 919-926-0795 to have us safely remove your animal problem. Visit this website for commercial animal removal in Garner.

Friday 2 September 2016

When You Should Call Animal Control for Your Business Needs

When you first notice your business has become home to pests (of mammal, reptile or insect variety), your first step might be to invest in traps from the local hardware store. If you have a small invading population, your efforts may suffice; however, if the pest population keeps growing, you should call animal control to protect your employees’ health and avoid expensive structural damage.

Fur-Borne Disease

Raccoons and other furry critters may be cute, but when they’ve taken up residence in your place of business, they’re not just annoying—they’re downright hazardous. Apart from leaving unsanitary droppings in all sorts of places, these animals may carry diseases, such as Hantavirus, and parasites, such as fleas, that are transmittable to humans. Animal control specialists can provide faster, safer and more effective relief than you can obtain on your own.

Insect Issues

Mammals are not the only infiltrators that can cause serious problems. Ticks and mosquitoes, for example, also transmit diseases, such as West Nile Virus and Lyme disease. Pests such as termites cause expensive structural damage if left to gnaw unchecked. By calling animal control to nip the problem in the bud, you may even save money you’d otherwise spend on building repairs.
Don’t let your pest problem grow. If your critter-catching efforts haven’t made a dent in the resident wildlife population, visit this website for commercial animal removal in Garner.


Having your house invaded by bedbugs may be one of your fears as a homeowner. Bedbug infestations generally cannot be handled on your own. An expert can help exterminate the infestation. 

What to Know about Roach Infestations

Do you think your home might be facing an insect infestation of some kind, but aren’t sure what? If you haven’t seen the critters about, it’s hard to pin down the problem, much less a solution. Here are a few signs to look or to help you determine if you have a roach infestation.

Foul Odor

One sign of a roach infestation is a foul odor. If you notice a musty, pungent odor or oily smell, you could have a roach problem. Their odor tends to linger and can even have an effect on your taste buds.

Seeing Feces

Because of their tendency to eat all the time, they create a lot of feces. Depending on the type of roach you have, its feces could be as small as a brown speck to large pellets.

Sudden Digestive Issues

Roaches leave bacteria behind wherever they go, including surfaces we touch and dishes we use. If you notice your family members start to have sudden digestive issues, roaches could be the cause.

Roach Eggs

Roaches breed in rapid succession. This tends to leave a lot of egg cases behind as new roaches hatch. If you notice groupings of egg cases, called oothecae, around your home, you could be dealing with a roach infestation.

If your home facing is the unfortunate situation of a roach infestation, it can be a stressful time. You may not know how to fix the issue and might even feel like the problem will never go away. Luckily, help is available. To learn more about roach removal in Garner, visit this website.

When to Call an Exterminator for Your Ant Problem

An ant infestation may seem like a small issue, especially when you compare it to some of the larger infestations people face like cockroaches, hornets and termites. However, ant infestations can get out of control and require the need of a professional to get rid of them. Here are some signs that your ant infestation may need an exterminator.

Structural Damage

Are you noticing small tunnels running along your walls, or small gnawing marks on your wood? Ants can do a significant amount of damage to the infrastructure of your home, even creating unsafe living conditions that may cause your home to be uninhabitable. If this is the case for you, it may be time to call an exterminator.

Unusual Noise

If you have an idea where your ants keep their colony within your home, place your ear close to its location. If you can actually hear the ants moving about, that’s usually a good indicator that you have a large scale infestation on your hands that requires professional removal.

Ant Sightings

The largest indicator that you have an infestation problem is if you see a large number of ants moving about your home. If you can’t make it through your kitchen without running into a number of these pests, it’s time to call in the pros.

An ant infestation can be an annoyance for any homeowner but it is easily remedied if you catch the problem in its early stages and hire a professional. For more on ant extermination in Raleigh, visit this website.

Truly Nolen Pest Control Promotes Barcelo

TUCSON, Ariz – Truly Nolen Pest Control announced the promotion of Michael Barcelo to sales supervisor of the company’s Customer Care Center in Tucson, Ariz… read more

How to be Spider Free this Summer

Nobody wants to start their summer of with an infestation issue. And even though spiders can be helpful by killing other bugs, they can cause issues as well. Here are some quick tips on how to be spider free this summer.

Invest in a Good Repellent
One way to keep spiders away from your home is to make it an unappealing place to be. Invest in a good spider repellent that will give of an odor that spiders can sense and will dislike but is safe and isn’t disturbing to your own senses.

Do Some Cleaning

Give your house a good, thorough cleaning to keep pests that may attract spiders out of your home. Keeping your home free of excess debris, cobwebs and other clutter also gives spiders less places to hide and make a home. And, when there’s less crumbs and other morsels that typically attract insects like ants and flies, it also takes away the spider’s food source as well which reduces the appeal of making your house their home.

Be Careful what you Plant

Certain plants attract spiders more than others. And, there are also plants that serve as a natural spider repellent. Research which plants are likely to attract spiders and which will keep them away and plan accordingly.

These are just a few tips you can use to help keep your home free of spiders this summer. For more information on spider removal in Garner, check out this website.

Health Hazards of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can be a real problem, particularly when it comes to your overall health. Aside from the discomfort of their bites, here are some other health hazards of having bed bugs in your home.

Stress-Induced Insomnia

Facing a bed bug infestation may keep you up at night with worry and in turn deprive you of a restful night’s sleep. If you insomnia continue over a period of time, it can lead to anxiety, depression and irritability.


If you’re unable to get a full night’s sleep, you may find yourself feeling sluggish during the day. That’s because your body needs rest to operate and when you’re deprived of that you have a lack of focus and daytime fatigue.


If you already struggle with allergies, having bed bugs in your home may cause a strong allergic reaction similar to a bee sting. If the allergy is severe enough, it could even cause you to go into anaphylactic shock, which can be deadly.

One of the worst things for your health is to socially isolate yourself from others. People who have bed bugs may feel ashamed or fearful of what others think, and because they spread so easily, may even be afraid of having people over for fear of contaminating them.

If your home has a bed bug infestation, there is a solution. Hiring an exterminator can rid you of these pests permanently. To learn more about bed bug prevention in Raleigh, visit this website.

A Group of Bats

Are you having trouble with bats living in your attic? A wildlife removal specialist can safely and humanely relocate these lively little animals to a more suitable new habitat.