All About Pests Control: How to be Spider Free this Summer

Friday 2 September 2016

How to be Spider Free this Summer

Nobody wants to start their summer of with an infestation issue. And even though spiders can be helpful by killing other bugs, they can cause issues as well. Here are some quick tips on how to be spider free this summer.

Invest in a Good Repellent
One way to keep spiders away from your home is to make it an unappealing place to be. Invest in a good spider repellent that will give of an odor that spiders can sense and will dislike but is safe and isn’t disturbing to your own senses.

Do Some Cleaning

Give your house a good, thorough cleaning to keep pests that may attract spiders out of your home. Keeping your home free of excess debris, cobwebs and other clutter also gives spiders less places to hide and make a home. And, when there’s less crumbs and other morsels that typically attract insects like ants and flies, it also takes away the spider’s food source as well which reduces the appeal of making your house their home.

Be Careful what you Plant

Certain plants attract spiders more than others. And, there are also plants that serve as a natural spider repellent. Research which plants are likely to attract spiders and which will keep them away and plan accordingly.

These are just a few tips you can use to help keep your home free of spiders this summer. For more information on spider removal in Garner, check out this website.

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